Important information week of June 21 and the 2021 season

Our return to play has now been approved by both the government of Ontario and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

The first three practices of Stage 1 are scheduled for:

Tuesday June 22nd, Thursday Jun 24th, Tuesday June 29th

7:00pm – 8:00pm – All House League & Bantam travel team players (Birth Years: 2007-2012)

8:15pm – 9:30pm - All Junior Varsity and Varsity aged players. (Birth Years: 2001-2006)

Stage 2 practice schedule is still to be determined.

Please arrive approximately 15 minutes before your practice time. All initial practices will be held at the Barrie Sports Complex, House League/Bantam players, you will receive an email by our House League coordinator Darryl Wallin before Tuesday morning indicating which field number you are practicing on. For those families who are signed up for House League in Orillia, please know it is our full intention to continue this season in Orillia as well, however for our first two weeks at least we must condense all of our athletes onto one location.

Please come dressed for practice (athletic attire and cleats/running shoes) as there will be no changerooms available. Please bring your own water bottle with your name on it, there will be no water provided, nor will the taps be accessible for use, and no sharing of water is permitted. Players are to have a mask on their person (masks will not be worn during practice) this is for arrival and departure purposes only. Upon arrival at the field, there can be absolutely no congregating in large groups, players are to proceed directly to their assigned field. Only one parent per athlete is allowed to stay at the field complex (for those players under 18 years of age), parents must maintain social distancing at all times and may not enter onto the practice fields.

A Covid19 screening questionnaire has been provided, please ensure this is completed before every practice.

| download COVID19 Screening Questionnaire |


Please ensure that all fees have been paid before the first practice, etransfer is the proffered method of payment, we would like to avoid all cash payments if possible.

Refund Policy

Withdrawal before June 22nd – Full Refund - $15 administration fee will apply.

Withdrawal before July 1st – A $150 fee will apply; the remainder will be refunded.

Withdrawal after July 1st – No Refund will apply

Depending on what playing conditions will be allowed by the government in stage 2 and onward, the final playing fees may be adjusted and some money will be returned to you. This is a fluid situation so the exact amount can not be determined yet. Ultimately this will be determined by if/when the contact season is commenced.

We ask that everyone be patient, have respect for everyone involved, and come with the understanding that this is new uncharted waters for everyone, we are all trying to make the best of the situation, keep everyone healthy, and get kids back on the field.

Thank you,
One Goes We all Go!